A real experience in France
The "Draw your Thoughts" project was invited to the Maison familiale rurale de Mont - in the southwest of France - to help young people talk about active citizenship! Pistes Solidaires worked for 4 workshops with the pupils of a class at the MFR of Mont. The MFR, being a school with associative status, welcomes young people from rural areas and sometimes victims of geographical and social enclave.
We wanted to invite young people to learn about the societal challenges affecting their daily lives, while imagining solutions to these challenges. Once the solutions were found, the young people focused on creating awareness campaigns to facilitate dialogue with other peers around these challenges.
"I realised that it is good to think together to try to solve problems specific to the community we live in. With my group, we used the graphic facilitation method to raise awareness about the issue of food waste. This is a theme that affects us because we can see very clearly how much is thrown away in the garbage today. We wanted to encourage people not to waste and the poster format seemed to us to be a good way of getting the message across. After this workshop cycle I want to get more involved in the fight against food waste."
Peio, 17 years-old
We chose to talk about solidarity, in relation to what happens at the MFR or in the world in general. We noticed that within the establishment, sometimes there is no mutual aid between the students, they are rather in small groups, there is no mix. Sometimes there is even discrimination. The awareness campaign allows us to talk about all this through images. It is easy and clear for everyone, everyone can understand. And we can make our peers more inclusive and tolerant towards others. I am satisfied with the work done with my group!
Justine, 17 years-old