July 27, 2022

From June the 28th till July the 6th, a group of fifteen youth workers coming from France, Italy, Kenya and Sénégal gathered at the Ecovillage Fiori di Campo in Cinisi (Italy) to take part in the international training course of the Draw Your Thoughts project. The aim of the 8-day-long training was to familiarize with, and develop competences on graphic facilitation and storytelling as means to enhance creative and intercultural skills.

A total of four professionals intervened to train participants on thematics ranging from storytelling for professional and personal use, to graphic facilitation, key concepts of visual learning, and awareness campaigns. Moreover, participants were introduced to the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA) as a basic methodology of communication.

Overall, the training encompassed a series of theoretical and practical sessions allowing participants to put into practice the newly learned theory. The several practical activities gave birth to, amongst others, awareness campaigns through visual communication, visual CVs, and the first set of “Visual Vocabulary” which constitutes the foundation stone of the visual “Draw Your Thoughts database”.

As participants from Zambia were not able to take part in the training in-person, an online catch-up session was held on Zoom later after the training.

The whole international group is now highly motivated to take on the next phase which will see them be the actors of Local Workshops where they will put into practice all the learned techniques on each local context with other youngsters. The next phase will also include the job shadowing, a web of intercultural exchanges allowing the involved people to travel to other partner countries to participate in the implementation of Local Workshop in a different context, enriching them with new perspectives.

For further information contact lisa.avarello@danilodolci.org and follow us on Facebook.

DRAW YOUR THOUGHTS is cofinanced by Erasmus + – KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices -Capacity Building in the field of Youth.
