The project
Draw Your Thoughts – Graphic facilitation & Storytelling to enhance creative and intercultural skills is a co-funded Erasmus plus project (KA2: Capacity Building project in the field of Youth) whose aim is to enhance the professional, social and personal skills and competences of youth workers from 2 continents – Africa and Europe.
Through the use of creative methods such as Graphic Facilitation and Storytelling, youth workers will improve their employability, and youngsters will learn how to deepen both their personal competences and raise awareness on issues of their own community.
Draw Your Thoughts HAS REACHED:
Youth workers

Desk and Field Research on the Use of Storytelling and Graphic Facilitation + graphic vocabulary
Among the project’s results: the Desk research on good practices on the use of Storytelling as a means of self-expression and personal development and on Graphic facilitation and visual tools in use in youth work and youth organizations. The Desk research was conducted in each partner country on the field of social issues, enriched by interviews with experienced educators and trainers. Curious to find out what has been produced by the partners? You can download the good practices identified in each partner country:
International Training course
After the creation of the visual vocabularies, partners met in the framework of the International Training course organized in the framework of the project. Participants had the chance of sharing the research findings collected and of analyzing peculiarities and similarities. They were trained in the use of Storytelling with Graphic facilitation for the creation of a visual “Draw your Thoughts database”. The training was conducted using the reciprocal Maieutical Approach and was the chance for a hands-on the tools and methods. A great experience!
Read the article about the training in our News section, you will understand better what happened!
Local Workshops
Based on the content of the Training Course, each partner organized 6 workshops focused: on one side, on the personal development of local youngsters, fostered through the method of Storytelling and Graphic facilitation; on the other side, community level activities were developed in the creation of the civic awareness campaign organized in synergy with local youngsters. Several young people came together to work on the project workshops!
Find out what happened by visiting our Visual diaries section.
Job shadowing
Each organization hosted an intercultural group composed by one representative for each organization. During their stay, the job shadowers supported the creation of a local awareness raising campaign, while improving their intercultural competences and understanding.
Several youth workers moved between the different countries of the consortium to discover youth work! Read about their experiences in our Visual diaries
Final manual "Storytelling with graphic facilitation as a method for social inclusion and empowerment of young people"
After the experimentation, the collection of results! The final project manual, consists of a brief description of the project and the method, followed by the collection of experiences and results of the local training/learning/workshops activities. It also includes tips and tools for organising awareness-raising campaigns using narrative and graphic facilitation. Its aim is to show the effectiveness and impact of the methods and how to use them as a tool for empowering young people in the daily work of facilitators.

The Draw Your Thoughts project has come to an end after many achievements and shared experiences at international level. All of this has been possible thanks to the European and African partnership and its participants, who enthusiastically followed the...
Have you never heard of job shadowing? It is a mobility experience funded by the Erasmus Plus programme and allowing professionals (but not only) to go abroad to observe how a particular job or professional field works in the country in question. In the framework of...
This is it! After the training in Palermo, it is time for the youth workers to test the storytelling and graphic facilitation methods with local youth groups. Since October 2022 several workshops are being set up in each partner country! The aim of these workshops is...